
This subcommittee is responsible for developing ideas for making Belmont-Hillsboro a more attractive place to live. This includes organizing the semi-annual Neighborhood Clean-up Day. It also includes sharing ideas such as recycling and maintenance with the neighborhood via newsletter and listserv. It is also responsible for promoting the Belmont-Hillsboro Tree Canopy Initiative and the annual Wood for the ‘Hood fundraiser, all proceeds of which go toward planting and maintaining appropriate trees in the neighborhood.


This subcommittee plans neighborhood-wide social events, such as the Music City Marathon Breakfast. It also is responsible for planning BHN Steering Committee social events, such as the annual Holiday Party. The object of this subcommittee is to promote good relationships between neighbors with different backgrounds and to unite all the residents of our neighborhood, bringing them closer with each other and encouraging neighbors to plan and work together.

Neighborhood Safety

This subcommittee is responsible for alerting neighbors via listserv, website and newsletter of criminal activity in our neighborhood. It also acts as a liaison between the MNPD and BHN, and helps to organize community meetings when criminal activity appears to be increasing.

Home Tour

The Home Tour subcommittee plans and operates BHN’s Annual Home Tour . This includes recruiting prospective homes for the tour, selling advertising for Home Tour booklet and sponsors, designing and printing home tour posters and booklets, organizing pre-tour breakfast and post tour party, and recruiting and coordinating volunteers. This subcommittee is the biggest source of income for BHN.


This subcommittee is responsible for getting the word out about Belmont-Hillsboro Neighbors, to increase the number of members, and to ensure that existing members renew their membership annually.

Sidewalks & Traffic

This subcommittee provides BHN direction on necessary improvements in neighborhood traffic, sidewalk and transit needs and situations. This unified effort is necessary to enable Metro to prioritize improvements to our neighborhood.


This subcommittee is in charge of developing and maintaining the website. It is also responsible for managing and monitoring the Belmont Hillsboro email listserv distribution, which gets important neighborhood information to subscribers.

Zoning & Codes

This subcommittee is responsible for monitoring and alerting the BHN Steering Committee of possible zoning & code proposals, infractions and variances and ensuring that the residential and historical character of our neighborhood is preserved. This subcommittee also oversees the Metro Historical Commission’s enforcement of Belmont-Hillsboro Neighborhood Conservation Overlay.